We have been making a concerted push to get a fresh look on the site and we finally got over the last major hurdles tonight. We also spent quite a bit of time tonight discussing the whitepaper and roadmap and I must say…I’m excited 🙂

I gained a better appreciation for the full scope of our CEO’s vision for the MedChain project tonight and it is very ambitious. This is an exciting time to be in IT. We will be rolling out our whitepaper in stages. There are a lot of hurdles and gotchas in global healthcare and even with all of our direct experience in the industry we anticipate having to build on our approach several times before we can get to a proper v1.0 whitepaper. We know what we want to do, how we want to do it, and we believe it can be done. It is our belief that as we share our vision, medical, legal, and business experts will join in our optimism and contribute to the process of informing, refining, and improving the final approach. Each version of the whitepaper will bring the project closer and closer to where the rubber meets the road.

We were struck by the timeliness of proposing an entirely new approach to healthcare and we believe that more than ever before, there is a hunger for outside-the-box solutions to healthcare processes. With this in mind, we are working to release v0.5 of the whitepaper as soon as possible.

We also put some teasers out regarding a couple other projects that are waiting in the wings. While we can’t release details to the public yet, if one of the projects interests you and you believe you might have something to contribute then please reach out to us.